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Choose your own adventure! A Roadmap for implementing SECURE and SECURE 2.0 401(k) changes

SECURE and SECURE 2.0 Federal legislation enacted over 100 new provisions that affect all 401(k) retirement plans. As service providers update their systems to operationalize newly available features, you will be asked to make plan design decisions and take action before the end of this year!

Please join us for an interactive webinar to break down what you need to know, important deadlines and how to make decisions for the first wave of plan changes that are effective for 2024.

This webinar will cover:

·Effective Dates and Action Deadlines for new provisions

·How 401(k) Service Providers are communicating new provisions and the process for implementing

·Best practices for keeping track and communicating your 401(k) plan changes to employees

·Plan changes that will also affect your payroll or HRIS systems