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How to Train Your Manager: The Art of Managing Up

SKU: 9781092944243

Does your manager drive you crazy? Does she cause turmoil and chaos? Do you often say (to yourself) "What was he thinking?!" What about another manager on the team? Do you feel sympathy for her subordinates? DID YOU KNOW: 75 to 80% of people who quit their jobs quit because of their direct supervisor!! We quit perfectly good jobs at great companies who provide good wages, benefits and career potential because we can't work with the boss! We all have a manager. Our Manager has someone to answer to. The President and CEO are in their positions at the pleasure of the company’s owners, partners, stakeholders or even financial institutions. You've heard the horror stories, hilarious gaffs, and plain “What were they thinking?� tales of Epic Management Failures. Chances are your boss is not really a jerk, she hasn't been trained how to "get work done through people." He probably even got the promotion because he was the best at "DOING the job,� not his people skills. Our manager holds our future with the company in their hands. How can we help them while improving our futures at the same time? Our relationship with our manager has a direct effect on our continued employment, our potential for promotion, and our future income. More importantly this relationship ALSO has an enormous effect on our personal lives, our health and well-being. AND we ALL have the power to influence our manager's future direction. Here are my ideas in this book. Take what resonates with you and try it! If you are a Manager, you may see yourself on both sides of this relationship coin. Enjoy!

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