Gilliland - Laugh Out Loud Book
When you laugh, all kinds of wonderful things happen to benefit your body and mind. Endorphins are released in your brain, giving you a natural high and giving your respiratory system the kind of workout that it might get from jogging. Laughter relieves pain. You can only laugh when you are relaxed, and the more relaxed you are, the less pain you feel. Funny books, movies and comedy channels on SiriusXM Radio are ideal pain relievers. They allow you to get away from the day-to-day obligations that can occasionally be stressful. In fact, you can't get ulcers and laugh at the same time--you choose one or the other. Periodically, let us remind ourselves that we are human and we do stupid things. If you expect to be perfect, you don't belong on the planet (note to self). Let's remember that our own troubles always seem bigger to us than to anyone else. If no one else is losing sleep, maybe we don't need to either. I realize humor isn't for everyone. It s only for people who want to have fun, enjoy life and feel alive. Seriously, almost every aspect of our lives has the potential for having some humor in it. Every serious issue has a funny side. LOL is a collection of over 150 funny jokes, stories and rib-tickling fun!
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