Wise Up: Women, Inclusion and Self-Empowerment
This book has three main audiences that will benefit from the content. The primary target audience is working women. The second target audience that will benefit from reading this book is diversity and inclusion professionals that create and implement inclusion initiatives to attract and retain women and address the challenges and needs of women in their organizations. The third audience is organizational leaders that must create and manage a culture of inclusion. When you are in the “Midst”, sometimes it is hard to thrive or see away forward. This book was written to provide strategies to meet women in the middle of the career and personal challenges they may be facing. Part One provides a glance into the World of Working Women and the changes that impact what it is like for women to work in today’s organizations. Part Two is a resource on one of the largest inclusion gaps women tend to experience, which is Leadership. Part Three includes strategies to address the inclusion of Women of Color and Working Mothers, there is research indicating there is still a great deal for organizations to do to improve their work environments. In Part Four, the author provides Self-Empowerment Strategies for female employees that often feel devalued, excluded, and stuck. Part Five acknowledges creating an inclusive work environment where women are both valued and respected for being a contributing member of the organization is not a solidary journey. It provides actions Leaders as well as Organizations can take in support of women being successful. Part Six provides techniques and approaches to Measure Progress and Impact of initiatives and interventions designed and implemented to generate specific inclusion-related value-added outcomes. Measurement is an area that doesn’t often go far enough. Often the focus is on measuring representation and activities rather than outcomes. The book concludes with Part Seven providing additional Self-Empowerment Strategies for women to continue to “Bloom in the Midst” of challenges and barriers they encounter.
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